Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 3

Day three was a truly amazing day at the Paterson branch. Unfortunately there is a lack of Internet access here at Paterson Bethel so I will be unable to write a lengthy post from my computer. What I can tell you is that Paterson is the personal favorite for the group. It is very similar to a college campus. The scenery is unbelievable with perfectly manicured lawns giving way to sprawling mountains covered in lush, dense forest. We were able to spend time with some truly incredible Bethelites including Siebert's sister and the Tibus twins. We also saw brother Herd roaming the halls. In our short time here at Bethel we have all ready enjoyed so many great experiences. Here at Bethel you come to appreciate Jehovah's organization so much more. Tomorrow we will try to post pictures and more comments from my computer. I gotta go to bed now because we're doing a sightseeing run around the campus tomorrow morning at 6. Goodnight.

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